Microsoft word how to convert endnotes to footnotes
Microsoft word how to convert endnotes to footnotes

microsoft word how to convert endnotes to footnotes microsoft word how to convert endnotes to footnotes

Hyperlinks.Add Anchor:=Rng2, SubAddress:="_FRef" & i Hyperlinks.Add Anchor:=Rng1, SubAddress:="_FNum" & i 'Insert hyperlinks between the footnote references Bookmarks.Add Name:="_FNum" & i, Range:=Rng2 'Insert a number before the footnote content and bookmark it Bookmarks.Add Name:="_FRef" & i, Range:=Rng1 'Insert a number before the footnote reference and bookmark it 'Format the footnote reference as hidden text 'Define two ranges: one to the footnote reference the other to the footnote content 'Restore the Rng1 endnote reference bookmark Hyperlinks.Add Anchor:=Rng2, SubAddress:="_ERef" & i Hyperlinks.Add Anchor:=Rng1, SubAddress:="_ENum" & i 'Insert hyperlinks between the endnote references Bookmarks.Add Name:="_ENum" & i, Range:=Rng2 'Insert a number before the endnote content and bookmark it Bookmarks.Add Name:="_ERef" & i, Range:=Rng1 'Insert a number before the endnote reference and bookmark it 'Format the endnote reference as hidden text 'Define two ranges: one to the endnote reference the other to the endnote content 'Give the OS a chance to do any background processing ' Store current Track Changes status, then switch off ' Store current Status Bar status, then switch on Sub HyperlinkEndNotesFootNotes()ĭim TrkStatus As Boolean ' Track Changes flagĭim Rng1 As Range, Rng2 As Range, i As Long Note that the original footnote and endnote references aren't deleted - they're simply converted to hidden text. It's best to run the macro only after you've finished editing.

microsoft word how to convert endnotes to footnotes

The following macro will process both footnotes and endnotes, generating hyperlinks for each, including for footnote/endnote cross-references.

Microsoft word how to convert endnotes to footnotes